Best Places to Work 2019

Best Places to Work 2019 Best Place to Work

Best Places to Work 2019 Best Place to Work

Best Places to Work 2019 Best Place to Work

Best Places to Work 2019

Think your organization is the best place to work in town? If so, nominate your business for London Inc.’s first annual Best Places to Work awards program. These awards recognize the top workplaces in London based on a third-party survey.

Eligibility Requirements:

LONDON INC. IS seeking nominations for its first annual London’s Best Places to Work awards. These awards recognize employers in the London area that have gone above and beyond to create outstanding workplace environments.

Companies are named Best Places to Work based on their results in a free workplace survey conducted by Carswell Partners Inc., London’s leading human resources management consulting firm.

Being named a London Best Place to Work will not only help attract the best and the brightest talent, but the survey will also provide you with the valuable feedback you need to retain your best and brightest workers.

Fill out the nomination form below (anyone can nominate an organization, and self-nominations are welcome) and the business will be contacted by Carswell Partners. With a broad focus on helping organizations with culture, leadership and employee engagement issues, Carswell Partners has teamed up with the Industrial Organizational Psychology department at Western University to develop an employee engagement survey utilizing the very best in assessment tools and protocols.

Once nominated, Carswell Partners will send a survey link to be provided to employees to complete a confidential online survey. Companies must have at least 10 employees to participate, and at least 50 per cent of employees must complete the survey for your organization to be considered.


Best Places to Work awards will be divided into the following categories:

Small Business (between 10 and 19 employees)

Medium Business (between 20 and 80 employees)

Large Business (greater than 80 employees)


Employees will be asked to evaluate a company in the following areas:

Commitment. Refers to being strongly involved in one’s work and experiencing a sense of meaning, enthusiasm, inspiration, pride and challenge.

Effort. Characterized by high levels of energy and mental toughness while working, the willingness to invest effort in one’s work and determination even in the face of difficulties.

Interest. Characterized by being focused and happily involved in one’s work, where time passes quickly and one has difficulties with separating oneself from work.

Employees’ answers are strictly confidential and anonymous. No individual response will be shared with the company.

All participating organizations will receive a free report from Carswell Partners highlighting the current level of employee engagement in their organization. Although it is not a requirement, companies will also have the option of discussing their results in more depth with the Carswell Partners team.


Nomination deadline: December 14, 2018.

Submission deadline: December 21, 2018.

Best Places to Work Winners and Finalists will be featured in the February 2019 issue of London Inc. and celebrated at an awards function in early 2019.

Have additional questions? For general program inquiries, contact Gord Delamont at London Inc., [email protected]. For questions relating to the workplace survey, contact Terry Gillis at Carswell Partners, [email protected].

Nominations for the Best Places to Work 2019 program are now closed. Thank you to everyone who nominated. Read about the Winners and Finalists in our February 2019 issue. 

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