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London Inc. provides quality, need-to-know business content across multiple platforms. Providing essential business information using an integrated approach ensures our readers and advertisers engage, interact and succeed.

A daily newsroom feeds our e-newsletters and website and keeps our audiences up to date on local business happenings, while our print magazine offers deeper analysis, a textured, lean-back experience for readers and unparalleled branding and audience for advertisers. With the largest controlled circulation of any magazine in Southwestern Ontario, 12,000 copies of each issue of London Inc. are individually delivered directly to registered businesses and business hubs through Canada Post. Each issue of London Inc. is also published concurrently in state-of-the-art digital format and delivered to over 13,860-plus opt-in digital subscribers.

Media Kit

For London Inc. advertising information and to view the London Inc. Media Kit and Editorial Calendar, simply download the following PDF files:

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Advertising Contact

To find out more about advertising opportunities in our magazines or digital products, please contact:

Linda Greenfield
VP of Media Sales
[email protected]