Dispatch: January 28, 2022
Dispatch: A summary of recent business appointments and announcements, plus upcoming events for the week ahead
ANNOUNCED By Siskinds LLP, $2,500,000 (CAD) settlement in a class action against Reliq Health Technologies Inc.
APPOINTED Matthew Reid (partner, Cohen Highley), board chair, Middlesex-London Health Unit.
ANNOUNCED By Curling Canada, the 2023 Tim Hortons Brier to be played at Budweiser Gardens, March 3 to 12, 2023.
CANCELLED The 2022 London Farm Show.
ANNOUNCED By VersaBank, change in TSX ticker symbol from “VB” to “VBNK” to align with its ticker symbol on Nasdaq exchange.
RENAMED By Thames Valley District School Board, Ryerson Public School to Old North Public School.
ANNOUNCED By Renix Inc., partnership with Irish biotech company ClonBio Group Ltd. to develop technology to recover alternative protein from spent grain streams.
APPOINTED David Muir, associate vice-president for innovation and strategic partnerships, Western University.
ACQUIRED Canadian Payment Services, by Paystone.
January 30: TechAlliance Office Hours with Impactalyst Consulting
February 1: Entrepreneur 1.0 Innovation Academy
February 3: 16th Annual Breakfast for YOU
February 3: Winter LD5 – Managing Performance
February 3: hirewesternu Winter Career Fair 2022
February 3: Costing & Pricing to Make Profits