Air cargo demand soars at YXU
Fuelled by online shopping and logistics challenges, air cargo activity hits an all-time high at London International Airport
AS COMMERCIAL PASSENGER flight activity inches back at London International Airport (LIA), air cargo activity has soared with over 300 flights so far in 2022.
According to LIA, the bump in activity represents an increase of 185 per cent from its strongest year in the past five years.
“We continue to see increased demand for air cargo movements at the London International Airport,” says Scott McFadzean, LIA president & CEO. “The airport is well positioned to attract increased cargo activity and support the strong manufacturing base in Southwestern Ontario that continues to rely on reliable air cargo services.”
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LIA says the rise in cargo traffic has been supported in part by facilitating an air cargo screening partnership with London Air Cargo. This investment, says LIA, resulted in the capability to provide a service that is crucial to carriers, fueling the increase in flight activity.
Increased demand for air cargo service is attributed to the surge of online shopping during the pandemic, along with the global supply chain and logistics challenges in the manufacturing industry. More manufacturers, retailers and seafood distributors are turning to air cargo as a faster and more reliable alternative to long haul trucks and ocean vessels.
London International Airport president & CEO, Scott McFadzean
The volume of goods shipped by air in 2021 rose by 19 per cent compared with the previous year, according to the International Air Transport Association.
With low operating costs, accommodating cargo handling facilities and apron, London International Airport is well positioned to attract air cargo activity and grow as a cargo hub in Southwestern Ontario.
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“Our company, London Air Cargo, endured difficult times during the past two years due to the Covid pandemic. We managed to survive the business challenges and have emerged intact with very a promising future,” says business development manager, Joe Ferreira.
“We have reached out to many new clients in the U.S., Mexico and Europe and in the process promoted the London International Airport and the City of London. Our efforts have been rewarded with increased sales and exposure. We can now provide cargo loading and offloading, screening of cargo, warehousing and loading docks transportation to our customers, such as the big three automakers and related industries in Southwestern Ontario.”