Dispatch: October 14, 2022
Dispatch: A summary of recent business appointments and announcements, plus upcoming events for the week ahead
APPOINTED Mesut Altinbas, IT support specialist, IBM Canada.
AWARDED With 2022 Green Leader Awards, presented by Green Economy London and the London Environmental Network: London & District Construction Association (Emissions Reduction Project of the Year Award); Graphenstone (Rookie of the Year Award); Play Away Indoor Park (Environmental Steward of the Year Award); Heeman’s (Green Innovation Award); Charlotteville Brewing (Green Project Implementation Award); Allison Pert and Cogie Cogan (Youth Leader Award); Indwell and Climate Action London (Community Impact Award); Thames Talbot Land Trust (Environmental Impact Award); and Reforest London (Sustainability Solutions and Innovation Award).
APPOINTED Kate Graham, senior advisor, Colliers Project Leaders.
ANNOUNCED By SoilOptix (Tavistock), distribution with UK-based Hutchinsons to bring SoilOptix soil sensing technology to farmers in continental and Eastern Europe.
APPOINTED Rachel Ivanyi, marketing specialist, Davis Martindale LLP.
RESIGNED Tanja Kueneman, interim co-CEO, co-president and VP finance and strategy, Pillar Nonprofit Network (effective November 4, 2022).
NAMED Info-Tech Research Group, as a member of Team True North, a proactive, data-based initiative by Communitech that serves to identify the country’s highest-potential tech companies.
APPOINTED Maureen Cassidy, interim CEO, Pillar Nonprofit Network (effective October 17, 2022).
APPOINTED Tyler O’Henly, associate lawyer, Foreman & Company.
APPOINTED Jessica de Lange, senior digital marketing manager, Sparks Marketing Communications.
ANNOUNCED By 3M Canada, agreement with Ayr-based DriverCheck to be a 3M Preferred Fit Test Service Provider in Canada.
AWARDED Jennifer Baxter (director of community relations and Children’s Miracle Network, Children’s Health Foundation), The John Lauck Award for Emerging Leaders from Canada’s Children’s Hospital Foundations.
ANNOUNCED By Jodi Simpson (founder & president, CityMatch Inc.), appointment as sales representative with Thrive Realty Group Inc., Brokerage.
PROMOTED Robert Lava, to associate, valuation, Davis Martindale LLP.
APPOINTED Tom Zehren, chief product officer, Info-Tech Research Group.
October 18: London Small Business Week – Networking Event
October 19: Canadian Club of London
October 19: Starting a Small Business Seminar
October 19: Innovation Ambassadors: Monthly Speaking Series
October 19: Spice Up Your Business Excel Spreadsheets
October 20: Lerners Private Lending Breakfast and Learn
October 20: Foodpreneur Advantage Webinar – Starting a Food Business
October 20: 2022 October Business After Five MEGA
October 20: 32nd London & District Business Hall of Fame Gala
October 21-23: Ontario Screen Creators Conference
October 15-23: 2022 Forest City Film Festival