Dispatch: April 14, 2023
Dispatch: A summary of recent business appointments and announcements, plus upcoming events for the week ahead
APPOINTED Sarah Ryckman, human resources manager, Windley Ely.
ESTABLISHED By Western University, new $3.5-million endowed research chair: the William F. Clark Chair in Nephrology at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry.
OPENED Mercantile Fine Foods, 275 Dundas Street.
PROMOTED Ryan Glajch, to director, strategic accounts and initiatives, Canada Life.
ANNOUNCED By Ivey Business School, a donation of $3.5 million from BMO to the Ivey’s Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership to create a new cross-campus Leadership certificate program available to all undergraduate students at Western University.
PROMOTED Keith Murray, to CEO, AutoVerify.
APPOINTED Jose Santana-Blass, project coordinator, The Branding Firm Inc.
ADMITTED Meredith Rady, to firm partnership, Harrison Pensa LLP.
ANNOUNCED By T&T Supermarkets, new 39,000-square-foot store opening at London Mall, 530 Oxford Street West (summer 2024).
APPOINTED Jeff Pacheco, general manager, West Haven Golf & Country Club.
PROMOTED Summer Burton, to co-executive director, Literacy Link South Central.
RECEIVED By KGK Sciences Inc., institutional review board (IRB) approval in Canada (on behalf of client Nova Mentis Life Science Corp.), to begin human study testing on the efficacy of psilocybin on adults diagnosed with fragile X syndrome, the leading genetic cause of autism spectrum disorder.
APPOINTED Paul Hogendoorn, chair, London chapter of Innovators Alliance.
ANNOUNCED By Western University, intention to build two new student residences (one for approximately 600 first-year students; one for approximately 300 upper-year and graduate students).
PROMOTED Rhianwen Griffith, to director of operations and trainer ― Ontario & Atlantic divisions, Gallagher.
REBRANDED Gray and Fick Ltd. Consulting Structural Engineers, to Co-elevate.
April 17: Business Planning Guide Workshop
April 18: Speed Networking – April 2023
April 18: TechAlliance Circles | Founders
April 19: Canadian Club of London: Alan Cross
April 19: Small Business Centre: Drive New Business with Social Media
April 19: TechAlliance Circles | Marketing and Communications
April 20: Foodpreneur Advantage Webinar – Starting a Food Business
April 20: 2023 April MEGA Business After Five
April 21-22: London Clean and Green