Dispatch: May 5, 2023
Dispatch: A summary of recent business appointments and announcements, plus upcoming events for the week ahead
APPOINTED Thai Truong, chief of police, London Police Service.
APPOINTED Joaquim Ballès (vice president, business development & general counsel, Trudell Medical Limited), board chair, Ontario Chamber of Commerce. Board I look forward to working with our new Chair, Joaquim Ballès of Trudell Medical Limited.”
PROMOTED Yuliya Safronova, to owner experience supervisor, Libro Credit Union.
APPOINTED Mariam Waliji, vice president – impact, equity & governance, Pillar Nonprofit Network.
APPOINTED Joshua Hogue, associate, insurance claims & loss litigation, Davis Martindale LLP.
PROMOTED Trevor Johnson, manager, special events, City of London.
APPOINTED Kathleen Barnard, director of community engagement, Youth Opportunities Unlimited.
APPOINTED Selma Djulbic, MSc recruiting associate, Ivey Business School at Western University.
ANNOUNCED The 2023 London Music Hall Inductees: Dawn Tyler Watson, McAuley Boys, Bob Reid, The Bluesmen Review, Clark Bryan, John Rowlands and Alfredo Caxaj (Lifetime Achievement Award).
RETIRING Michelle Quintyn, president and CEO, Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes (effective September 30, 2023).
APPOINTED Dr. Andrew Park (emergency medicine physician, London Health Sciences Centre and St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital), president, Ontario Medical Association.
ANNOUNCED By Megabus, doubling of service between London, Western University and Toronto, Thursday through Monday (eight trips per day).
ANNOUNCED By VersaBank, appointments at its wholly owned subsidiary, DRT Cyber Inc.: Gurpreet Sahota to president and Laura Young to chief financial officer.
AWARDED By Museum London, the Melanie A. Townsend Scholarship for Museum and Curatorial Studies to Sydney McArthur, and the Steve Mavers Scholarship for Arts Education to Orko Oyon.
May 4 – 14 : The Spring Market @ 100 Kellogg
May 6: Brewhopping Across London – Book Launch Party
May 9: TechAlliance Circles | Sales and Finding Customers
May 10: People Centred Leadership
May 10: TechAlliance Circles | Finance and Capital
May 11 & 12: Ontario Association of School Business Officials 79th Annual Conference & Education Industry Show