Commercial Activity: November 29, 2023
A summary of recent commercial real estate activity in London
Photo: An industrial building at 1984 Mallard Road sold for $1,350,000
301, 303 Central Avenue, 298, 300, 309-311 Wolfe Street
type Multi-family residential buildings
price $5,325,000
seller Nelms Group Ltd.
buyer 869797 Ontario Ltd.
649 Third Street
type Industrial building
price $3,250,000
seller 1934642 Ontario Inc.
buyer 649 Third Street London Inc.
2340 Dundas Street
type Retail plaza / gas bar
price $3,450,000
seller Ontario Superior Court of Justice
buyer 1000676202 Ontario Inc.
1560 Dundas Street
type Multi-tenant retail/office plaza
price $2,950,000
seller 2212084 Ontario Inc.
buyer London Plaza Inc.
999 Hamilton Road
type Commercial (medical) building
price $1,400,000
seller 5033438 Ontario Inc.
buyer Pray Realty Holdings Corp. / Drexler Realty Holdings Corp.
654 York Street
type Commercial (automotive) building
price $1,500,000
seller 1242692 Ontario Inc.
buyer 1000679242 Ontario Inc.
1984 Mallard Road
type Industrial building
price $1,350,000
seller 1000186705 Ontario Inc.
buyer 1242692 Ontario Inc.
Transaction information provided by Mark McManus of Valco Consultants Inc., 519-667-9050 ext. 234, [email protected]