Price check
Price Check: High- and low-priced real estate listings around town this week
Photo: 1509 Ryersie Road is listed for sale at $2,999,900
London East
Address: 1106-573 Mornington Avenue
MLS number: 40472962
List price: $179,000
Days on market: 218
Size: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 680 square feet
Listing agent: Sean Monteith, Sales Representative, Nu-Vista Premiere Realty Inc., Brokerage
Address: 1745 Kilally Road
MLS number: 40517811
List price: $2,675,000
Days on market: 120
Size: 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 4,760 square feet
Listing agent: James Hudson Smith, Sales Representative, Sutton Group – Select Realty Inc.
London North
Address: 4501-1600 Adelaide Street North
MLS number: 40553502
List price: $339,900
Days on market: 3
Size: 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 954 square feet
Listing agent: Wayne Barker, Sales Representative Street City Realty Inc. Brokerage
Address: 1509 Ryersie Road
MLS number: 40543261
List price: $2,999,900
Days on market: 33
Size: 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 4,977 square feet
Listing agent: Drew Johnson, Broker of Record, Coldwell Banker Power Realty, Brokerage
London South & West
Address: 704-75 Huxley Street
MLS number: 40547398
List price: $284,900
Days on market: 7
Size: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 670 square feet
Listing agent: Laura Carapella, Sales Representative, Planet Realty Inc. Brokerage
Address: 1659 Hamilton Road
MLS number: 40550571
List price: $2,999,000
Days on market: 19
Size: 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 5,680square feet
Listing agent: April Gray, Sales Representative, Century 21 First Canadian Corp., Brokerage
Disclaimer: London Inc. does not guarantee the accuracy of the statistical data on this page. The data does not represent the listings of any one agent or agency but represents the activity of the real estate community in the area. Any real estate agent’s ad appearing is separate from the statistical data provided, which is in no way a part of their advertisement.