Selling your property as cheaply as possible: A comprehensive guide

Selling your property as cheaply as possible requires a combination of strategies that eliminate or reduce traditional costs associated with real estate transactions

SELLING A PROPERTY can be an expensive endeavour, with costs accumulating from estate agent commissions, legal fees, marketing expenses, and potential renovations. However, for those looking to minimise these expenses, there are several strategies you can employ to sell your property as cheaply as possible. 

This guide will provide detailed steps to help you achieve this goal.

Find the Cheapest Estate Agent

Finding the right estate agent will significantly reduce the costs of selling your property. While it’s essential to save money, it’s equally important to ensure that the estate agent provides quality service.

Start by researching estate agents in your area. Look for agents who are familiar with the market in your neighbourhood, as they are more likely to provide accurate pricing and effective marketing strategies.

Estate agents typically charge a commission based on the final sale price of the property and so comparing these rates is crucial to finding the cheapest option.

Consider an Online Estate Agent

In the digital age, virtually every industry has embraced the transformative power of the Internet, and the real estate sector is no exception. Online estate agents have emerged as a popular alternative to traditional brick-and-mortar real estate agencies, and one of the most significant advantages is that they are likely to be the cheapest estate agent to sell your home

Traditional estate agents typically charge a commission based on a percentage of the property’s sale price, which can be quite substantial. In contrast, online estate agents usually offer fixed fees or lower commission rates, making the process more affordable. 

Selling your property as cheaply as possible: A comprehensive guide selling your property Partner Spotlight

Opt for a For Sale by Owner (FSBO) Approach

One of the most effective ways to save money when selling your property is to bypass the real estate agent entirely and sell it yourself. By avoiding agent commissions, you can save the 5-6% typically charged by real estate agents, and you also gain direct control over pricing, marketing, and negotiations. However, do take into account the time that this can take before going it alone, especially if a quick sale is important.

Start by researching the local market and comparable property prices. Make sure you have all the necessary legal documents; consider hiring a real estate solicitor for critical paperwork to avoid legal pitfalls. For marketing, use online platforms and utilise social media and word-of-mouth to spread the word.

Utilise Online Legal Services

Legal fees can add up quickly, but there are online services that provide affordable assistance with the necessary legal documents. These services are typically much cheaper than hiring a local real estate solicitor and offer the convenience of accessing and completing documents from home. 

Choose a reputable online legal service provider with good reviews and ratings, and use these services to prepare essential documents like the purchase agreement, disclosure forms, and deed transfer.

Offer Incentives to Buyers

Offering small incentives can help sell your property faster, saving you ongoing holding costs like mortgage payments, utilities, and taxes. Incentives can attract more buyers and expedite the sale process, and they are often more cost-effective than prolonged holding costs. Consider offering to pay a portion of closing costs, including a home warranty, or leaving behind desirable appliances. Clearly advertise these incentives in your listing to attract attention.

Leverage Word of Mouth and Community Networks

Sometimes, the best buyers come from within your own network. By spreading the word among friends, family, and colleagues, you can save on advertising and marketing expenses and potentially find trusted buyers, simplifying the transaction. Additionally, post on community boards, local social media groups, and neighbourhood associations to reach a broader audience.

Selling your property as cheaply as possible: A comprehensive guide selling your property Partner Spotlight

DIY Staging

Staging a home effectively can make a significant difference in attracting buyers and securing a sale. A well-staged home can help potential buyers visualise themselves living in the space, leading to faster and potentially higher offers. While there are professional staging companies, you can save money by following our five tips:

1. Clean and Declutter

The first step in staging any home is to ensure it is spotless and free of clutter. This allows potential buyers to see the true space and envision their belongings in it.

  • Deep Clean: Clean every part of the house, including windows, carpets, walls, and appliances. Consider hiring professional cleaners if necessary.
  • Declutter: Remove personal items, excess furniture, and unnecessary decor. Less is more when it comes to staging.
  • Organise Closets and Storage: Buyers will look inside closets and storage spaces, so keep them tidy and organised.

2. Depersonalise the Space

Buyers need to imagine themselves living in your home, which is easier if the space feels neutral and impersonal.

  • Remove Personal Photos: Take down family photos, personal collections, and anything overly specific to your taste.
  • Neutral Decor: Opt for neutral colours and decor that appeal to a broad audience. This can help make the space feel more inviting.

3. Maximise Light and Space

Bright and open spaces are more attractive to buyers. Use lighting and furniture placement to your advantage.

  • Increase Natural Light: Open curtains and blinds to let in as much natural light as possible. Clean the windows to maximise light.
  • Add Lighting: Use lamps and lighting fixtures to brighten dark corners and enhance the overall ambience.
  • Furniture Placement: Arrange furniture to create a sense of flow and spaciousness. Avoid overcrowding rooms with too much furniture.

4. Repair and Refresh

Fix minor issues and update outdated elements to give your home a well-maintained look.

  • Minor Repairs: Fix leaky faucets, squeaky doors, and any other small issues that could distract buyers.
  • Fresh Paint: A new coat of paint can do wonders for a room. Stick to neutral colours that appeal to a wide range of buyers.
  • Update Fixtures: Replace outdated light fixtures, cabinet handles, and other small details to give your home a modern touch.

5. Stage Outdoor Areas

Don’t forget to stage outdoor spaces, as they are important selling points for many buyers.

  • Patios and Decks: Arrange outdoor furniture to create inviting spaces. Add some potted plants and outdoor lighting.
  • Gardens: Ensure the garden is well-maintained. Remove weeds, trim hedges, and add some colourful flowers.
  • Exterior Maintenance: Power wash the exterior of your home, clean gutters, and make sure the roof is in good condition.


Selling your property as cheaply as possible requires a combination of strategies that eliminate or reduce traditional costs associated with real estate transactions. By taking a hands-on approach and utilising online estate agents and legal resources, you can significantly cut down on expenses while still achieving a successful sale. 

Stay informed, be proactive, and maintain professionalism throughout the process.

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