London Inc. Realty

Price Check

Price Check: High- and low-priced real estate listings around town this week

Photo: 20735 Denfield Road is listed for sale at $3,799,999

London East


Address: 57 Palace Street
MLS number: X9285014
List price: $329,999
Days on market: 4
Size: 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom
Listing agent: Parisa Fallahi, Sales Representative, Pineheiro Realty Ltd.


Address: 129 John Street
MLS number: X9234740
List price: $5,595,000

Days on market: 33
Size: 9 bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, 5,000+ square feet
Listing agent: Trent Forristal, Salesperson, Sutton Group – Select Realty, Brokerage

London North


Address: 28 Ranchwood Crescewnt
MLS number: X9271718
List price: $449,900
Days on market: 7
Size: 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom
Listing agent: Patrick Lexima, Sales Representative, One Percent Realty Ltd.


Address: 20735 Denfield Road
MLS number: X8375688
List price: $3,799,999
Days on market: 99
Size: 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 3,500-5,000 square feet
Listing agent: Shawn Nagy, Sales Representative, Sutton Group – Select Realty, Brokerage

London South & West


Address: 1117 Byron Baseline Road
MLS number: X9009620
List price: $419,900
Days on market: 62
Size: 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 700-1,100 square feet
Listing agent: Kathy Amess, Broker of Record, Blue Forest Realty Inc.


Address: 9385 Elviage Drive
MLS number: X9231344
List price: $3,899,000
Days on market: 35
Size: 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 3,500-5,000 square feet
Listing agent: Ashley Winder, Sales Representative, Sutton Group – Select Realty Brokerage

Disclaimer: London Inc. does not guarantee the accuracy of the statistical data on this page. The data does not represent the listings of any one agent or agency but represents the activity of the real estate community in the area. Any real estate agent’s ad appearing is separate from the statistical data provided, which is in no way a part of their advertisement.

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