2019 20 Under 40 Awards Program
Get Your 2019 20 Under 40 Cocktail Gala Tickets Here!
2019 20 Under 40 Recipients Announced!
THIS YEAR WILL mark the seventh edition of London’s 20 Under 40 Awards, and while we have honed our judging process over the years, one thing has remained the same—20 Under 40 is a celebration of the best and brightest in the city and an in-depth look at the diversity, opportunities and achievements happening here.
The 20 Under 40 Class of 2019 includes leaders across a range of industries who are excelling in their individual endeavours. But if there is a commonality among them, it is that they are creating opportunities not just for themselves, but also for others. They are building companies that provide careers, doing research that improves and lengthens lives, creating new products and technologies and pushing for sustainable practices that benefit both people and corporations.
We received more than 200 eligible nominations for this year’s program. Our editorial team narrowed that down to a short list of about 50 candidates, and those nominations were sent to our incredible team of judges who devoted considerable time poring over the submissions.
In selecting the 2019 recipients, we were helped by Meaghan Jansen, co-founder of Employee Wellness Solutions Network, Mark Malerba, owner of Metropolitan Maintenance, Chris Costello, owner of Exodus Escape Rooms, Matthew Wilson, associate at Siskinds LLP and Andrew Schiestel, tbk Creative co-founder and president. They are a truly impressive group and we couldn’t have done this without them.
The judging panel looked at the overall impact of each candidate’s work—both their professional and volunteer contributions. It is the quintessential apples-to-oranges task, and it inspired a lengthy debate to come to the final decisions.
Overall, it seems to always come back to making a difference. Each recipient must demonstrate that they have moved the needle, and that their work and volunteer efforts have already resulted in positive change. It is not enough to have a hefty salary or an impressive title; it’s not even enough to have a difficult job and do it well. The judges look for those candidates who have carved out a role larger than the expectations of their career title and, in doing so, created something of value for us all.
All of the 20 Under 40 recipients will be profiled in a special print and digital magazine to be distributed with the November issue of London Inc. The recipients will also be celebrated at the 2019 20 Under 40 Cocktail Gala on November 7 at the London Music Hall. Mark your calendar and join us in honouring these outstanding young professionals. Click here for ticket information.
2019 20 Under 40 Recipients:
Tom Butryn
President, Flatout Flooring Inc.
Ali Chahbar
Legal Counsel, Thames Valley District School Board
Steven Cooper
Founding Partner and President, matter architectural studio inc.
Christopher Dawson
Partner, Lerners LLP
Genevieve Fisher
Artist and Owner, Genevieve Fisher Music
Garrett Graham
Regional Commercial Manager, Libro Credit Union
Courtney Hance
Owner and President, The Branding Firm Inc.
Nicole Haney
Founder and CEO, Boho Bars
Jesse Helmer
Deputy Mayor and Councillor, City of London
Justin Hoffman
Partner, Cross-Border Tax Services, Davis Martindale LLP
Dr. Heather MacKenzie
Physician, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Parkwood Institute and Assistant Professor, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University
Mario Naric
Founder and COO, Motif Labs
Samantha Parsons
Clinical Research Manager, London Health Sciences Centre
David Ross
Director of Finance and Health Information Management, St. Joseph’s Health Care London
Shannon Ruffell
Vice President, Heritage Renovations Limited
Nicole Spriet
Founder & Owner, The Curated Suitcase
Dr. Javeed Sukhera
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Paediatrics Scientist, Centre for Education Research & Innovation, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University
Linda Visser
Partner, Siskinds LLP
Lisa Walters
Family Lawyer and Partner, Family Law Group
Jason Wilcox
Managing Partner, Waste Solutions Canada