Best Places to Work 2024
Nominate now for the 2024 Best Places to Work awards!
WE LIVED THROUGH ‘The Great Resignation’. We watched as individuals in London and around the globe made it clear that what they value in the workplace no longer simply comes down to money. So, companies have started prioritizing people over profits, collaboration over clock-punching, flexibility over tradition, and engagement over winning at all costs. Some companies are doing it so well, they’ve started to set a new standard.
The Best Places to Work award program identifies and recognizes local organizations intertwining environment, culture and support of their employees in everything they do ― from how they interact with clients to the products and services they put into the world.
If you think your organization is the best place to work in town — or you admire a local enterprise for its commitment to its workforce — consider casting a nomination for the Best Places to Work 2024 awards program.
Eligibility Requirements
Companies are named Best Places to Work based on their results in a free workplace survey conducted by program partner Ahria Consulting, London’s leading human resources management consulting firm. Being named a Best Place to Work will not only help attract the best and the brightest talent, but the survey will also provide organinzations with the valuable feedback needed to attract and retain the best and brightest workers.
Simply fill out the nomination form below. Anyone can nominate an organization, and self-nominations are encouraged (and if your company was named a Best Places to Work recipient previously, we welcome you to enter again!).
Nominated businesses will be contacted by Ahria Consulting. With a broad focus on helping organizations with culture, leadership and employee engagement issues, Ahria Consulting has developed an employee engagement survey utilizing the very best in assessment tools and protocols.
Check out previous Best Places to Work coverage here.
Best Places to Work awards will be divided into the following categories:
Small Business (between 10 and 19 employees)
Medium Business (between 20 and 80 employees)
Large Business (greater than 80 employees)
Employees’ answers are strictly confidential and anonymous. No individual response will be shared with the company.
All participating organizations will receive a free report from Ahria Consulting highlighting the current level of employee engagement in their organization. Although it is not a requirement, companies will also have the option of discussing their results in more depth with the Ahria Consulting team.
Nomination deadline: May 31, 2024.
Submission deadline: June 7, 2022.
To Nominate
Please fill out the nomination form below. The point person at the nominated organization will be contacted shortly with survey details.
PLEASE NOTE: Only one nomination submission per organization is required.
Have additional questions? For general program inquiries, contact Gord Delamont at London Inc., [email protected]. For questions relating to the workplace survey, contact Terry Gillis at Ahria Consulting, [email protected].