Exit Lane: Nancy Hansen

Nancy Hansen
Independent travel & cruise consultant
Vision Travel

2015 Honda Civic EX
1.8-litre inline four, 143 HP
24,800 kilometres

WE’VE HAD FIVE Hondas over the years. My husband has had three, and this is my second. We love the quality, reliability, resale and trade-in value. We pretty much like everything about them.

BEFORE THE CIVIC, I had the CR-V for over 10 years. I wanted to try something a little smaller and sportier. I first looked at the Honda Fit, but quickly decided it was too small and wasn’t quite right for me. The Civic ticked off all the boxes in terms of size and drivability.

I MUST ADMIT, though, I do miss being up higher. There’s just something about having a little better view of things. You feel a little safer. It’s also easier to get in and out of. I think another CR-V or the HR-V will be my next choice.

I REALLY LOOK forward to putting my sexy tires back on in the spring. It really does change the look of the car. That and opening the sunroof. Both are things miss in the winter months.

Exit Lane: Nancy Hansen Exit Lane

I’M AT THE point mileage-wise where I need to come to a decision about what to do with this car. I will stay with Honda, it’s just a matter of whether I will keep it and sell it privately or trade it in on a new car. I will make a trade-in deal if it’s good enough. The dealership keeps calling and asking about it. I haven’t answered them yet. 

I’D HAVE TO say my dream vehicle would be a Jaguar. I haven’t driven one, haven’t even sat in one, but I just love the look of them. Maybe one day.

HONESTLY, MY HUSBAND is the driver in the family. If we go out together or head out on a trip somewhere, he’s the one behind the wheel. And I’m perfectly okay with that. Unless it was my Jag. Then move over, I’m driving. Exit Lane: Nancy Hansen Exit Lane

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