10 Minutes With

10 Minutes With: Andrew Dodd

Flim London manager Andrew Dodd chats about the art of attracting film production to London, building a hometown location library and measuring the economic impact of the film industry

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10 Minutes With: Rachel Peake

Stepping into a new job as the Grand Theatre’s ­artistic director, Rachel Peake chats about transitioning from actor to director, getting to know a new city and ­embracing change while preserving tradition

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10 Minutes With: Adam Miller

Adam Miller, 2023 president of the London and St. Thomas Association of Realtors, chats about the benefits of engagement, riding the realty roller coaster and the importance of staying nimble

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Revving up the region

Erin Mitchell, director of operations at Canada’s two top-performing Harley-Davidson dealerships, chats about building community, the electric ride and why the ­experience always trumps

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Lofty ambitions

London International Airport CEO Scott McFadzean talks past and present, the way forward, courting ­business and why YXU is better

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